Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Rags to Richness

There was a time when I was Living in my car, unbeknownst to my family and I was showering every day, held a job and, always had what I needed except 1 day I was a little short on gas, and had to get to work to get my check. So I did a lil panhandling.
Out of everyone I approached that would even stop to listen, I'd get a dollar or maybe some pocket change....But to this day I still remember 1 man He handed me a $5 bill... the most anyone had given me. I soon found that it was not out of his generosity. It was in fact out of hatred and disgust that this man gave me this money?! For in fact the Bill had "YOU'RE SHIT" written in bold marker, inside the bill. Which means this man not even knowing the situation (I could have been a vet who came home with no place to live), without even knowing that, though homeless I was still a hard working Tax paying citizen supporting myself...this man made this bill on purpose, and held it, and carried its negative energy on his person for however long. Just waiting to make someone in need, feel even lower than they already did ....and instead of earning the volumes of respect I momentarily had for that man, he merely destroyed the positive energy I was sending his way. Losing a piece of his own soul just to feel proud and better than someone?!? 
I actually felt sorry for that man. Even though I was the one in need, because I knew at that moment that I would live a much more fulfilling and richer life than he ever would no matter how much money he had. And I hope that one day if he is in need someone Hands him a $5 bill But instead of what he wrote I hope they write " Things will Get better Just keep trying!" inside because some of the people that are down on that street may be there because of circumstsances that are out of their control. Because society forgot about them, and looked down upon them because they have less than others. And work hard for what little they have and even sacrifice their dignity just to survive. All because this world has shut them off or made them a Paria without even taking time to find out why they are where they are.
Please don't forget about those people in need take the time to listen to a stranger once in a while even if they may be a con for its your actions that determine your Karma, even if its a con you were still humble and cared to help someone in need .... so help when you can because one Day they may be the one Handing you a dollar for food or shelter.
Gregor Collins..

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